these past two months have been the longest months of my ever. but it's okay. i'm working on things and trying to get myself back to a healthy and normal place.
classes start in a week, and you could say i'm dreading it..a lot. but that's okay, it'll definitely keep me busy! and i'm going to key west not this weekend, but next. and i'm pretty dang excited. i definitely need to go and be on the water and just be a mermaid for a long weekend.
i have no idea what i'm writing about right now..i'm kind of just rambling until i get stuck on a topic..
it isn't really working the way it usually does haha.
maybe i should just upload some photos..that sounds like a pretty good idea..
chelly left on her mission Aug. 5th..i miss my best a freakin lot...
and this kid..he's pretty cool, you could say i like him a little more than a little :)
bestie for the restie? i think so.
i miss west coast florida sunsets
and i miss my nieces.
bout dang time you move to orlando.
i love this gospel so much. i am beyond grateful for the truth and knowledge that i have.
i'm trying to live a more grateful and worthy of the spirit life. i lost it for a little bit after my dad died, but i'm trying to get back on track. despite everything that has been going on, i'm trying to find little things to be grateful for everyday. whether it's being thankful for a cloudy day, so it isn't so hot, or just being thankful for having the strength to get through another day. there really is so much to be grateful for, it's just a matter of opening your eyes and seeing them. happiness is a choice and i'm trying hard to make that choice everyday. some days it's easy, and some it's really hard. and sometimes i get a little consumed in it all, it's hard not to.
anyways, i guess that's all for creative juices just aren't flowin' too well.
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