unconditional love


so I have to give a talk this Sunday, and I really have no idea what to talk about. My topic is faith, repentance, and baptism. could it be any more broad? it gives me a lot of wiggle room, so that's good. I just don't really know what direction I want to go with it! oh well, I'll figure it out.
I also received all my visa paperwork..it's so much and it's kinda confusing. I really need to get it done asap. So I guess I should really get on that. I'll get my photos taken and fingerprints taken tomorrow, after work.

I went with the missionaries today and they told me that I need to be teaching the lessons now. uhhh, okay? I guess I do need to start preparing more. it was good though. I felt confident with what we were teaching and talking about. it showed me that I know more than I think I do, and that definitely helps. especially when I'm well on my way to being a missionary haha.

my family, especially my parents, are so supportive of me going on my mission. it really surprised me! Heavenly Father really does answer our prayers. He doesn't always do it right away, or in the way we expect it, but He does. He will never fail us. He knows up and loves us more than anyone else ever could. it's difficult to remember sometimes, but it is true. we think we can  do it all on our own, but we cant. our pride gets in the way of Him helping and blessing us. it hurts Him to know that we feel like we don't need Him. but he always forgives us as soon as we turn back to him. that is the most amazing part. He doesn't hold grudges, He doesn't love us less, He continues to love us and want us despite the sins we commit and mistakes we may make.
God is perfect. His church is perfect. Temples are perfect. the gospel and teachings are perfect. the people are not. we are far from perfect. that is why we need the atonement so much. I need the atonement each and every day of my life. it is hard to imagine life without it. I think about how far away I have strayed sometimes, and think about if I didn't have the atonement after those times. boy, would I be a mess. everyone would be. we wouldn't have this church, there's a lot of things we wouldn't have. but God loves us, each and every one of us. we are all His children. and a perfect Father would never abandon his children.
God would never abandon us. that is why He gives us all of these beautiful things. that is why He blesses us, even when we don't think we deserve it, even when we don't deserve it.
His love is perfect and something we will never be able to comprehend. this life is here to challenge us. we chose to come to earth. we made the decision to follow God and Jesus Christ's examples. it is our job to turn to Heavenly Father and ask for His help, and sacrifice, and do all that we can do to show Him we love Him and want to follow Him. if we can just do our part, He will meet us more than halfway there.
it is up to us. simple as that. He will always love us. but we must also always love Him.
He will always leave the 99 sheep to go find just one. He wants all of us, not just a few, not most, but all.

today really strengthened my testimony on faith and trusting the Lord.
I think I may have just found what I'm going to talk about on Sunday haha.

well, it's way past my bedtime..

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