Why I started my blog


I started my blog in summer of 2013 after I graduated high school. So, I've had it for quite some time haha. I was really good about posting for the first year, then I stopped for a few months. I have been blogging off and on since then. My new years resolution was to start posting regularly again. Because it has really been sporadic the past year and it is something I'm pretty passionate about!

I figured this would be a really good way to document my life and the things that happen. It was such an awesome outlet for me and it helped me a ton. I moved to Orlando for college and I really had a hard time for the first few months. My boyfriend was away for his two-year mission (no, that's not my husband) and I didn't know anyone.

I tried to make friends and go to all of the activities my church offered, but I was still having a hard time. So this blog was an amazing outlet for me. It helped me get through the tough times (and there have been a ton.) I didn't have a ton of followers, but that really isn't what matters to me. This blog is here for me to write about things I'm passionate about and let out some emotion once in awhile.

Anyways, so basically I started this blog because I truly thought it would really help me stay sane (and it has.) Plus I absolutely love writing. It is something I have loved since I can remember. When I was a little girl I would have TONS of notebooks full of stories that I would write. I was always so proud of them and thought I could write children's books. Which was a dream of mine for a long time, but my new dream is to write a fiction novel. I actually have a little bit that I've written and a whole outline of what I want to write and I think it could be really good! Maybe I'll post a little excerpt to see what you all think! We shall see.

So that's kind of all guys. I don't have a crazy story about why I started blogging. It has definitely changed and transformed over the past 4 years and I don't even think you can find my first posts haha. I have deleted/made them private. I don't even have the same name that I did when I started. I changed the name of my blog pretty much right after I got married. I am planning on buying my domain name and have been for awhile so I wanted to make sure I had my new last name there for awhile before I did that!

I hope you enjoyed this and that you got a little insight as to why I do what I do! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great week :)

xoxo, Jacquelyn

1 comment

  1. Beautiful post! Welcome back to blogging again! I love it!
    You look gorgeous too.
    Andrea Snow


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