I'm ready for ya, 2017


 FINALLY stayed to see the fireworks at Disney. I always ask if we can stay to watch the fireworks, but we are usually way too tired to stay late. We go almost every month, so we don't tend to stay all day when we go, unless we go with other people.

 We went to an island called Beer Can Island. It is right off the bridge and found our way to it. I grew up at this island. I loved it so much because of all the fallen over trees and I would always find some pretty awesome looking shells there too. I haven't been there in probably 10 years! It definitely brought me way back and I loved it!

 First of all, they need to stop growing up. They are mirror images of their dad and uncles. It is insane.

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2017, that blows my mind! This year is going to be a huge year for me personally and for Ham and me as a couple. There are a few things that will be happening that I cant really talk about yet..I will just say we are both applying to a new school, andddd there is something pretty big in the works that should pop up sometime during or after summer (hopefully)!

I have slacked a little the past month or so on blogging, I kinda forgot how much I love it. Plus I really wanted to revamp my blog. It was getting boring to look at and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with it. I will probably change a few more things, but it helped me to get so inspired to see just a small change.

I really just wanted to write a little post about my goals for 2017. There are a few I wont mention just yet because I'm not sure how they will play out yet, but you'll hear about them soon. I have so many things I want to do this year, and so many that have become much more realistic recently.

travel more // this doesn't mean flying abroad or anything crazy like that. I mean road trips and camping and things like that. I have a very long lists of places I want to go to. I have a few that I have to accomplish this year. Devil's Den, Ocala National Forest, Little Grand Canyon in Georgia, Highlands Hammock, Ravine Gardens. Those are the specific places I really want to visit before the end of the year.

blogging // I really want to make it a priority to blog more regularly. I have so many exciting things coming up, and this is an awesome way to document that. Plus writing is my passion, so why not?

patience // This is a real struggle I have. I don't have much patience anymore. I got to the point where I was so proud of how patient I was becoming, but life happened and it all went downhill.

be more loving // I already work on this on a daily basis. I do my very best to love everyone and to avoid judging them. I feel that I have become so much better at this, but I know I still need to work on it.

youtube // I don't have a youtube channel yet, but I have been trying to figure out where to start for a few months now. I'm not sure what direction I want to go in yet, that's why I haven't started it. I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I think after a few weeks/months of blogging I will have a better idea on what I want to do.

I know I said this already, but I am really so excited for what this year will bring. Life is amazing and I have finally started to let go and live life the way I want.

I will be posting a recap of my favorite things from this year tomorrow! Stay tuned!
xoxo, Jacquelyn

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